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트랜스미션 설치 했는데 로그인 하니까 404에러가 나네요
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이 방법으로 트랜스미션 설치 했습니다.
setting.json 수정까지 해서
9091포트에 접속 id, pw까지 입력하고 로그인 했더니
404가 뜨네요
Couldn,t find Transmission's web interface files!
User: to tell Transmission where to look, set the TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME
environment variable to the folder where the web interface's index.html is located.
Package Builders: to set a custom default at compile time, #define PACKAGE_DATA_DIR in
libtransmission/platform.c or tweak tr_getDlutchDir() by hand.
라고 뜨네요 ㅠㅠㅠ 왜 그럴까요ㅠㅠ