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•HMS 버럼 (HMS Barham)
이름의 유래는 미국 독립전쟁과 나폴레옹 전쟁기에 활약한 해군 제독 1대 버럼 남작 찰스 미들턴(Charles Middleton). 1913년 클라이드뱅크의 존 브라운 조선소에서 기공, 1915년 10월 취역. 유틀란트 해전에서 337발을 쏘았다. 피해는 5발 피탄, 26명 전사, 46명 부상. 제2차 세계대전에서는 케이프 마파탄 전투에 참가하였다. 1941년 11월 25일, 한스-디트리히 폰 티센하우젠 중령이 지휘하는 독일 해군 잠수함 U-331이 발사한 어뢰 3발을 맞고 850명의 승조원과 같이 침몰하였다. 당시 왼쪽으로 기울며 폭발하는 장면이 영상으로 촬영되었고, 필름에 남은 가장 강력한 폭발 중의 하나로 남아 있다.
On 25 November 1941 at 4.25pm, while steaming to cover an attack on Italian convoys with the battleships Queen Elizabeth, Valiant and an escort of eight destroyers, Barham was hit by three torpedoes from the German submarine U-331, commanded by Lieutenant Hans-Dietrich von Tiesenhausen. Leading Telegraphist A.R. Bacon remained at his station following the first attack to alert accompanying ships of the presence of U-331, which greatly aided the search and rescue. The torpedoes were fired from a range of only 750 yards providing no time for evasive action, and struck so closely together as to throw up a single massive water column. As she rolled over to port, her magazines exploded and she quickly sank with the loss of more than two-thirds of the crew. The explosion was caught on camera by Gaumont News cameraman John Turner, who was on the deck of the nearby Valiant. Out of a crew of approximately 1,184 officers and men, 841 were killed. The survivors were rescued by the other British ships.
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